The Risk Of Playing Youth Soccer Game


Soccer is a popular sport for children and adolescents, with an estimated 3.2 million youth players in the United States alone. However, there is a lack of research on the risks associated with playing youth soccer. A new study published in the journal “Pediatrics” reports that concussions are the most common injuries sustained by youth soccer players, and that these injuries disproportionately affect girls.

According to the study, which used data from the National Athletic Treatment, Injury and Outcomes Network (NATAION), concussions account for nearly one-third of all soccer injuries treated by certified athletic trainers at games and practices. Girls sustain concussions at a rate of nearly two per 10,000 exposures (defined as one game or practice), while boys sustain them at a rate of just over one per 10,000 exposures.

While the absolute risk of sustaining a concussion while playing youth soccer is low, the study found that girls are nearly twice as likely as boys to suffer from these injuries. This increased risk may be due to differences in physiology or playing style; however, more research is needed to determine the exact cause.

In addition to concussions, fractures are also common among youth soccer players. Boys are more likely than girls to sustain fractures, but the overall risk is still low (less than one per 10,000 exposures). The most common type of fracture among soccer players is a stress fracture, which occurs when repetitive impact on bones exceeds their ability to heal. These injuries are usually seen in older athletes who have reached their full adult height; however, they can also occur in younger athletes who play on hard surfaces or engage in high-impact activities such as running and jumping.

The best way to prevent soccer-related injuries is to make sure that players are adequately conditioned and trained. Players should warm up properly before games and practices, and they should wear protective equipment such as shin guards and mouthguards. Coaches should also be aware of the signs and symptoms of concussion and other common injuries so that they can properly evaluate and manage any player who is injured during a game or practice session

How long do youth soccer games last

The average length of a youth soccer game is about 90 minutes. This includes both the time the players are on the field, as well as stoppages in play. However, the actual playing time is usually much less than this, as there are often several stoppages during the game for water breaks, substitutions, and injuries.

While most games only last for a few hours, some can go on for much longer. For example, if a game goes into overtime or if there are multiple games being played back-to-back, it is not uncommon for games to last for several hours. This can be a problem for young players, as they may become dehydrated or tired before the game is over.

It is important to make sure that your child stays hydrated and takes breaks often during long games. You should also ensure that they eat a nutritious meal before the game so that they have enough energy to last until the end.

The benefits of playing in a shorter game

It is widely accepted that playing in a shorter game has many benefits for young soccer players. A recent study conducted by the Danish Soccer Association showed that players who played in games that were 60 minutes or less had significantly more touches on the ball, were more involved in the game, and had better passing accuracy than those who played in games that were 80 minutes or longer.

There are many reasons why shorter games are beneficial for young players. One of the most important is that it allows them to have more touches on the ball. In a shorter game, there are simply more opportunities for each player to be involved in the action. This is especially important for developing ball control skills.

Another benefit of shorter games is that they tend to be more focused and intense. With less time to waste, players are more likely to be working hard throughout the entire game. This can lead to improved fitness levels and better concentration.

So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your child’s soccer skills, consider playing in a shorter game. It could make all the difference!

The risks of playing in a longer game

There are many risks associated with playing in a longer game, especially for youth players. The danger of dehydration and heat exhaustion is increased, as is the likelihood of injuries. Muscles and joints are more likely to be strained, and there is a greater risk of collision with other players.

The importance of hydration during a soccer game

Soccer games are intense, and players need to be properly hydrated in order to perform at their best. Dehydration can cause cramping, fatigue, and even heat stroke. Soccer players need to drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after games in order to stay properly hydrated.

The importance of warm-up and cool-down exercises

Warm-up and cool-down exercises are an important part of any soccer game or practice. They help prepare the body for physical activity and reduce the risk of injury.

Warm-up exercises should be dynamic and should gradually increase your heart rate. Examples of warm-up exercises include jogging, jumping jacks, or high knees. Cool-down exercises should be static and should gradually decrease your heart rate. Examples of cool-down exercises include stretching or walking.

It is important to do both warm-up and cool-down exercises before and after playing soccer. Doing these exercises can help you perform at your best and reduce your risk of injuries.


As you can see, there are risks associated with playing youth soccer games. However, these risks can be minimized by ensuring that the game does not last too long. If you are concerned about the safety of your child, be sure to ask the coach how long the game will last.

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